
The Goose
Oct 18, 20228 min read
“I would not advise anyone to create a game the way we did.”
Few who have played Fran Bow would think it’s a game born out of chaos. It’s a remarkably well-realised game where the themes and ideas...

The Goose
Oct 4, 20227 min read
“I want to make the world a better place through my games”
Some people know when they’re very young what they want to be when they grow older. Others find their calling much later. Anna Högberg...

The Goose
Apr 19, 20223 min read
From caregiver to 3D-artist of the new hit videogame Valheim
It took Robin Eyre 7 years of disciplined self-learning to become the 3D artist of the new videogame hit Valheim from Iron Gate Studio....

The Goose
Apr 7, 20222 min read
Why Värmland? - #1 Kronoparken
This article is part of a 3-part series called Why Värmland? where we deep dive into different reasons for you to move to Värmland! You...

The Goose
Feb 1, 20221 min read
Take the next step in your game-career!
Our partners at Changemaker Educations and Futuregames have just opened the applications for fall 2022 programs! Check out below what...

The Goose
May 20, 20211 min read
Lunch Talk: Q&A with Changemaker Educations and Futuregames
Application dates are closing in for this falls programs, so we wanted to highlight this by having Changemaker Educations and Futuregames...