A GREAT thank you to all our Friday Stories speakers this season!
We have had the pleasure to have 10 amazing speakers this season!
We are editing some of the talks from this season to release on our YouTube-channel, so subscribe so you don’t miss them!

We first welcomed Agnes Larsson, Vanilla Minecraft Game Director, and Patrick Liu, Head of Games, from Mojang where they told us about inclusive design decisions in Minecraft.
You can read more about Agnes and Patricks’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

Following them up we welcomed Henrik Lindfors, Lead Designer at Wanderword, highlighting the superpower that is the human hearing with his talk about audio entertainment in a visual space.
You can read more about Henriks’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

Then we had a little break and came back with Andreas Stjärnhem, Creative Director at Sticky Beat who taught us all about the power of fun and how we can make topics like democracy more accessible.
You can read more about Andreas' thoughts in our blogpost here.

Joining us as our second speaker in May we welcomed Weihua Shao, working with investor relations at Nordig Game Ventures, and she told us about the growing Chinese games market.
You can read more about Weihuas’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

After that we welcomed Simon Röjder, Managing Director at Mirage Game Studios and he shared his survival tips on how to make it as a studio manager while working with a publisher.
You can read more about Simons’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

Following Friday we welcomed Fawzi Mesmar, Head of design at DICE where he introduced us to his view of what an idea is, how we come up with them and how we can make them better.
You can read more about Fawzis’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

As Mays first speaker we welcomed Erik Odeldahl, Creative Director and co-founder at Fast Travel Games and he showed us the opportunities developing for VR can give us to explore accessibility.
You can read more about Eriks’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

Up next we welcomed Cajsa Larsson, Sound designer at Sharkmob and she shared work processes and what’s inspiring her using concrete examples from the game AER- Memories of old.
You can read more about Cajsas’ thoughts in our blogpost here.

And as our last speaker of the season we welcomed Nathalie Ek, Senior User experience designer at DICE, and she shared how they utilize eye-tracking, audio and voice over to give the players the intended experience.
You can read more about Nathalies’ thoughts in our blogpost here.
👉Season 2 is over for now, but we return with Season 3 this fall! Is there anyone you would love to listen to? Let us know in the TGJ-discord!